$ 15.00
A somewhat large but agile attack fighter. Curevo swarms are deployed on mass to counter the fighter squadrons of the lesser land-borne civilizations 1 model included, models are 15mm or...
$ 25.00
Ancient ninja clans have sworn their allegiances to both sides during the second Enclave War. Able to infiltrate enemy lines and sabotage key assets, a Shinobi platoon can sow terror...
$ 25.00
Citizens of the Sky-Cities, Voladorona Sky Talons are the native species of the republic. Haughty and vain, these creatures see themselves as superior to all other subjugated within their realm....
$ 25.00
A light fast attack vehicle, the Zorro has been extensively used in the Voladorona's invasion into Federation controlled areas. 3 models included, models are 15mm or 1/100 scale.
$ 25.00
An expensive and experimental hover craft, the Enclave Defensive Pact has struck numerous contracts with members of the PACA board to keep these vehicles in production. 3 models included, models...
$ 25.00
The long-scorned children of the Voladorona and humans, hybrids are used as disposable shock troops. Often given the most dangerous and difficult of the battlefield roles, these wretched creatures are...
$ 25.00
When troops need to be moved quickly, the most useful vehicle is a simple armored box on wheels. Reliable and available from multiple sources, heavy diesel trucks never go out...
$ 25.00
A staple of every armed force, heavy trucks both military and civilian are used to carry troops and supplies to the battlefield 6 models included, models are 15mm or 1/100...
$ 25.00
Highly trained and tradition troops of the enclave, all samurai belong to one of the many clans that formed the enclave long ago. 6 infantry bases (18 models included) models...
$ 25.00
An improvement on the older V.1 models, the V.2 drones are mass produced and are present at nearly every PACA controlled installation. 6 infantry bases (18 models included) models are 15mm...
$ 25.00
An older predecessor to Ganghan luxury transport, the Tanto instead relies on its speed and smaller size to carry important command staff to their objective.6 models included, models are 15mm...
$ 40.00
The main battle tank fielded by the Voladorona, the Tortuga's large size doesn't hinder its movement as it silently floats above the battlefield. 3 vehicle models are provided in resin...
$ 20.00
Towed heavy weapons remain a popular choice for many human armies throughout the dark future. Often these weapons are moved by light utility vehicles.3 models included, models are 15mm or...
$ 25.00
A popular old earth design, the Dagger mainly serves as a luxury vehicle for both civilian and government use. A favored tool of the secretive ROSE agency, the production of...
$ 25.00
The GAZ Osa remains a common vehicle throughout Vlast lands in both civilian and military use. Found as far as the Kaiser Wastes and Eastern Enclave, the Osa carries important...
$ 25.00
To quickly fill fire support roles, rebel groups often quickly convert and arm civilian vehicles for a variety of roles. The aging but sturdy Anchorage 4x4 remains a popular choice...
$ 25.00
The various Kaiser Tribes often utilize heavily modified large vehicles to traverse the blasted wastes around the Kaiser Vein. Sometimes with little modification these vehicles serve as the personal transports...
$ 30.00
The largest vehicle fielded by the Voladorona, the Tepetl hovers silently over the battlefield turning all before it into ash. 1 vehicle model is provided in resin and is 15mm...
$ 25.00
Larger and stronger versions of the Rapaz, the Caballero form breakthrough forces to rush enemy infantry and armored formations. 6 infantry bases (6 models included) models are 15mm or 1/100...
$ 25.00
Sentient lizards from the South American lands, the Rapaz were conquered and absorbed by the Voladorona. Now serving their avian masters, the Voladorona empire has began their invasion of...
$ 25.00
The Oni was originally a piece of construction equipment common throughout the mega-foundry blocks built around the enclave. With the second Enclave war looming, these vehicles have been seized by...
$ 15.00
A combination of various vehicle parts, Stalkers roam the wastelands looking for enemies to destroy. 1 vehicle model is provided in resin and is 15mm or 1/100 scale.
$ 25.00
A long-forgotten project of the previous Shogun, the Hamatsu tank has only seen service during the second war, as the invading Vlast captured the plans shortly after the Enclave's defeat....
$ 30.00
The Niao acts as a command VTOL for both Enclave and corporate forces. An expensive and sophisticated craft, it allows commanders to direct their forces from high above the battlefield....
$ 25.00
The Suzume is an old but venerable design from the earliest days of the Enclave. Mounting rockets and machine guns, this craft can keep pace with opposing fighters with ease....
$ 25.00
A small and outdated vehicle, the Toshi has served the Enclave for decades. Now with a new conflict threatening the lands, several Toshi tank divisions have been reactivated to serve...
$ 15.00
The hero of the Kaiser campaign, Vasilevsky has served in the Vlast military for most of his life. Now seeking new fields of glory, Vasilevsky has saught out the Eastern...
$ 40.00
A combination of older Enclave vehicles mixed with some imported tech from Europe, the Woku tanks are the preferred method of combat for the evicted pirate clans of New Osaka....
$ 40.00
Fledgling Empires is the second expansion for Crystallum: Conflict in the Far Future. This book adds three new factions to the game. The Vlast puppet state of the People’s Republic...
$ 40.00
Operation Falling Star is the first expansion for the Crystallum game system that adds new factions, units, and rules for players to utilize during their battles. This book requires the...
$ 30.00
Crystallum lets players take command of platoons of soldiers andarmored vehicles, representing one of the various fighting forces in a wasteland formed centuries after a past disaster. Players can construct...
$ 25.00
A cheap armored truck used to move troops around the enclave, the Kage is often a key vehicle in EDP battle plans. 6 models included, models are 15mm or 1/100...
$ 25.00
Used throught the enclave by both PRA and EDP forces, the Enclave Ashigaru are rank and file soldiers under a Daimyo. Hastily trained and often armed with outdated weapons, the...
$ 40.00
A light and jump capable mech, the Cossack can leap over enemy fortifications and fry opponents with its tesla cannon. 3 PRA Cossack Light Walker models are provided in resin...
$ 40.00
A brutal and terrifying machine, the Reaper tears its opponents apart with a massive ripper glaive. 3 PRA Reaper Assault Mech models are provided in resin and are 15mm or...
$ 30.00
A large fire support mech the Jeongbogja is an expensive and complex machine. Basically a walking tank, the Jeongbogja is a capable combatant. 1 PACA Jeongbogja Heavy Mech. Models are...
$ 40.00
A child's toy turned super weapon, the Yaban is one of the most flamboyant and ambitious military projects to date. 1 PACA Yaban Superheavy Mech. Models are provided in resin...
$ 25.00
Engineers are the keepers of the alliance's vast arrays of drones. Able to manipulate their programming adapt to evolving battlefield conditions, engineers are a key support unit for the alliance....
$ 25.00
The highly trained and motivated corporate fighting troops, agents are a threat at range or in melee. 6 infantry bases (18 models included) models are 15mm or 1/100 scale.
$ 40.00
A light fire and support mech the Zencha is a common sight across the Eastern Enclave. Armed with auto-cannons or AA capable guns the Zencha can watch the land and...
$ 30.00
A heavy support VTOL, the Feilong retains the surveillance equipment seen on the Xinshi. Mounting a heavy plasma cannon under it's frame this craft can direct orders and provide heavy...
$ 40.00
A heavy close combat walker, the Zhizhu is a premier defensive drone developed in the Eastern Enclave. Armed with flamers and power claws, the Zhizhu can carve through enemies. 3...
$ 25.00
A reconnaissance drone mass-produced throughout alliance lands, the Xinshi specializes in battlefield surveillance. 6 infantry bases (6 models included) models are 15mm or 1/100 scale.
$ 25.00
An armored limousine, the Ganghan specializes in transporting important personnel to key points on the battlefield. 6 bases (6 models included) models are 15mm or 1/100 scale.
$ 30.00
The main armored personnel carrier of the alliance. The Shiro is an advanced and expensive addition to any foot-soldier's unit. 3 PACA Shiro APC models are provided in resin and...
$ 25.00
The Ite is an automated gun platform produced by the corporate alliance. Using similar plasma technology to the alliance's other vehicles the Ite can hold a position with ease. 6...
$ 40.00
One of the most advanced armored vehicles in the wastelands, the Taiyang incorporates plasma technology into its main cannon. Heavy enough to withstand crippling fire the Taiyang is a formidible...
$ 25.00
Smaller utility vehicles are usually fitted with rams and blades and driven straight into enemy positions. These vehicles, called Ore Crushers are a direct and savage form of warfare.6 bases...
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