Fox troopers utilize experimental stealth technology to infiltrate enemy positions during the dark of night. Armed with highly advanced weaponry, these silent killers are experts at sabotage.Includes seven 28mm (1/56)...
Hardened veterans of the Afrika front, the Desert Rats wear special exo-suits that allow them to remain in the desert wastes for extended periods of time. These soldiers are masters...
Needing a large scale energy howitzer to combat enemy defensive positions throughout Europe, the Yeoman has proved to be an effective tool, mounting its new weapon system on an archer,...
A slightly heavier Comet tank, the Centurion chassis was deemed suitable enough to mount the RG-X Rail Gun. Although this weapon puts intense strain on the vehicle's chassis, the effectiveness...
An absolutely massive beast developed prior to the schism of London Isle, the Tortise was pushed into service as a bunker buster and mobile heavy weapons platform. Around three models...
Being small enough to fit inside various allied landing craft the Tetrarch has seen continued service despite its relatively light armor and sub-standard weaponry. The introduction of the United Kingdom's...
Utilizing their stock of late war tanks, the British Empire has mobilized dozens of new armored companies consisting of the new Comet GA-X1 tank to push back the forces of...
The largest and most lavish of the Italian vehicles to see combat in North Africa. Created to keep pace with other nation's superheavy tank offerings, the F200 still struggles to...
The product of Italy's super soldier Includes five 28mm (1/56) scale resin model.This model kit is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Our resin products are manufactured in U.S.AWe maintain some level of stock...
Often made up of prisoners and disgraced legionaries, the Hastatus are crazed berserkers, often given the largest melee weapon and sent to wreck havoc among enemy lines. Includes six 28mm (1/56)...
Trained for desert night raids, the Frumentarii are masters of stealth and sabotage.Includes five 28mm (1/56) scale resin model.This model kit is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Our resin products are manufactured...
Wearing heavier armor than other troops, these Italian soldiers carry specialized weapons into battle.Includes six 28mm (1/56) scale resin model.This model kit is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Our resin products...
The best troops the commonwealth can provide. The soldiers deployed to North Afrika are sometimes referred to as "Diesel Troopers" and have been used to great effect to combat Italian...
A popular troop and goods mover, several trucks of all designations and sizes have been built to aid the Japanese war effort. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model kit...
The standard armored vehicle of the IJA, the Shinhoto model of Chi-Ha has seen an unprecedented increase in production since the war in Europe has dragged on. Several companies of...
During the fierce fighting in North Africa, the need for more robust armored vehicles lead to the development of the Centurion. Engineered from German designs such as the Soldat and...
Although Italy was consumed into the giant beast that is the Holy Roman Empire many years ago, it still maintains a private military directly under the control of the royal...
Although long outdated, the CV-33 was produced in such great numbers that the Italian forces continue to use them into the modern era sporting new energy weapons. 28mm (1/56) scale...
Having benefitted from the recent economic boom in the Italian homeland, the government has invested in a vehicle to rival the beetle being manufactured in Germany. The new Piccola Apè...
A staple of any military force, the Italians utilize a number of heavy trucks and other wheeled vehicles in North Africa.This model kit is supplied unassembled and unpainted. Our resin...
A large and advanced gun on a fragile frame, the Fusion Carrier bring a massive heat based energy gun to the fray, easily able to melt any allied armor it...
An experimental design finally put into production by the Italian war council, several P40 tanks have been fitted with prototype L-5 Lance Cannons to give the Italian forces an edge...
Set to replace the aging M13/40 tanks in North Afrika, the Sahariano is newer design pushed out to combat the quickly advancing British forces.This model kit is supplied unassembled and...
Built on the dependable M5 Half Track chassis, the Vulcan mounts an M13-D5 Energy Howitzer to vaporize its enemies.28mm (1/56) scale resin model.This model kit is supplied unassembled and unpainted....
When troops and supplies need to make their way to the front line, the US army calls upon a variety of transports to get things where they need to go.28mm...
Basically a tank on wheels, the Tragen uses its heavy autocannon array to scan the skies for enemy aircraft. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model kit is supplied unassembled...
Utilizing limited combustion to make concentrated "jumps" over battlefield obstacles and obstructions, the Aerocorps specializes in close assault tactics.Includes five 28mm (1/56) scale resin model.This model kit is supplied unassembled and unpainted....
Take command of the US Army and fight to liberate Europe.Starter Set contains:15 USA Army Troopers5 USA Heavy Weapon Troopers1 USA Regiment Sorcerer1 USA Bulwark APC1 Sherman Medium TankGaddis Gaming...
Take command of the Imperial Japanese and conquer the east.Starter Set contains:10 Imperial Japanese Armored Infantry5 Imperial Japanese Support Infantry1 Imperial Japanese Regiment Sorcerer5 Komori Jump Infantry1 Kumo Gun Light...
Take command of the Soviet Union and secure the future of the Motherland.Starter Set contains:15 Soviet Shock Troopers1 Soviet Regiment Sorcerer5 Vorobey Assault Troopers1 SU-R1 Experimental Assault Gun1 IS-2 Heavy...
Take command of the Holy Roman Empire and conquer Europe in the name of the Bloodied OrderStarter Set contains:12 Holy Roman Empire Armored Troopers3 Holy Roman Empire Officers1 Holy Roman...
Accompanying every army entrenched into the great war, field medics are issued with one simple task, keeping their allies alive. Includes one 28mm (1/56) scale resin model.This model kit is supplied unassembled...
Tapping into the ancient energies of the land, the Imperial Japanese send their heavily armored sorcerers into battle to support the many invasion forces. Includes one 28mm (1/56) scale resin model.This...
Not wanting to fall behind the Empire in its magikal studies, the US has invested considerable resources into its own sorcerer corps. Includes one 28mm (1/56) scale resin model.This model kit...
Created to fight in the most hostile rad-infested environments, the Zone Troopers are equipped with high-tech weaponry and thick enviro-suits.Includes five 28mm (1/56) scale resin model.This model kit is supplied unassembled...
A secretive and shrouded group, the OSS has been operating behind the scenes to undermine Imperial and Soviet plans throughout Europe and Africa. Utilizing specialized weapons and infiltration tactics, the...
Calling upon ancient ancestral magiks, sorcerers of the Soviet Union accompany their allies into battle, using the ancient wood-witch spirits to sunder their enemies. Includes one 28mm (1/56) scale resin model.This...
Needing to keep up with mech designs produced by other nations, the US military invested immense amounts of research funds into the M5A3. The result is a state of the art...
Needing to put their experimental T28 Superheavy Tank to use, the US military developed the F variant equipped with an M7 Heavy Energy Projection Device. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model....
The magik energies run deep through the diesel-tainted lands. Imperial sorcerers are trained through the order's secret programs in order to draw their energy from the lands and weaponize it...
Throughout the war, many different manufacturers have provided field cars either armored or softskin to allied military formations. 28mm (1/56) scale resin model. This model kit is supplied unassembled and...
The largest craft seen over Europe, the Polikarpov is a hybrid fighter/bomber. Being immensely costly to produce, only a few Polikarpov have been completed and sent to the front so far. 28mm...
Born out of an earlier prop powered model, the modern Shinden has been outfitted with new jet engines, enabling the craft to keep pace with modern enemy fighters. 28mm (1/56)...
An imperial fighter created to replace the Me262, the Horton has seen limited production since the Bloodied Order has taken control of the empire. Much faster and more heavily armed...
The US attempt to craft a jet-capable aircraft resulted in the Bell X project. Even though critics of the effort pointed out the X-1's heavy frame and large size as drawbacks,...
Imperial troopers that have proved their loyalty and service to the war effort through grueling service and battle, are awarded with veteran status. Often given better armor and weaponry these...
A small and obsolete design, the Kumo was part of a larger IJA initiative to invest in new walker technology. The Kumo was the result of earlier attempts at creating...
Clad in ornate metal armor, the noble veterans of the Soviet military forces often display their wealth and prestige by wearing armored decorated with complex patterns and symbols of the motherland. Includes five...
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